• +90 (342) 317 1548

                               INTERNATIONAL BALKAN UNIVERSITY

The success story of the International Balkan University began in 2006. The Foundation for Education and Culture “USKUP” was founded by a group of intellectuals and academicians (scholars) to establish the INTERNATIONAL BALKAN UNIVERSITY as a cultural bridge between the Balkans and Turkey, with the intent of increasing the quality level of human capital in the region.

As a provider of high quality education, International Balkan University has adopted the mission of educating self-confident, multidimensional, socially responsible and globally competitive individuals. In addition, the university produces high quality scientific research that will contribute to technological and economic development in the region.

With this mission in mind, International Balkan University aims to become a renowned international educational institution that sees cultural diversity as an asset, and that contributes to the development and stability of the Balkans by producing the best professional individuals who are ready to compete in the workforce.


  • Mimarlık
  • Endüstri Mühendisliği
  • İnşaat Mühendisliği
  • Grafic Design
  • İngilizce Öğretmenliği